Belter Exodus

From Halo: Daybreak

The Belter Exodus was a massive emigration event in the Domus Diaspora that impacted the Sol Belt's population. Although generally agreed to have begun in 2362, following the launch of the Odyssey Fleet, its effects did not manifest until the 2380s. It coincided with the East Europe migrations, although driven by different factors.

Prior to the Exodus, the habitats in the Sol Belt were dependent on large numbers of engineers and tradesmen to service their habitats, and a sizable taxpayer base to fund their continuous operation and any refits needed. Over the course of the Belter Exodus, the decreasing cost of seats on extra-solar colony ships and the eased restrictions on the selection process made it more attractive to both segments of the population. This created a shortage of skilled labor, causing a minor recession that encouraged more people to emigrate away from the Belt. The result was that the various habitats and installations found it difficult to pay for their upkeep costs, as well as find experienced personnel needed to train up new recruits for vital operations. These two pressures saw a number of once-bustling centers of business decommissioned and scrapped; those considered durable enough to survive slipspace travel, such as starship pens, were converted into colony ships.