D41 Cormorant

From Halo: Daybreak

This article is currently under construction. As the subject is under active development, information here may not yet be final.
D41 Cormorant Aerospace Superlifter
Production information


SinoViet Heavy Machinery


  • Superheavy dropship
  • Troop and cargo transport

Class before:

D20 Heron

Technical specifications


176 meters


82 meters


Slipspace drive:



Dispersal field generators (post-war)

Chronological and affiliation


United Nations Space Command


The D41 Cormorant Aerospace Superlifter is a superheavy dropship and transport spacecraft in service with the United Nations Space Command and a handful of colonial defense forces. They are used to transport large amounts of troops and materiel as well as superheavy vehicles such as the Elephant to and from combat theaters. Designed as a Covenant War-era replacement to various aging heavy-lift dropships, such as the D20 Heron, the Cormorant can be equipped with a short-range slipspace capability to extend its operational range.

Due to its modular frame, the Cormorant can be refitted with various mission packages, and several variants of the craft are in service with the UNSC. These include a command variant, designed to be used as a mobile firebase on worlds with poor infrastructure, a logistical support variant with a protective EW package, and a post-war upgrade package which incorporates active EM proto-shielding for defense, especially upon atmospheric entry and troop deployment.