Empyrean Dominion

From Halo: Daybreak

The Empyrean Dominion is a motley assortment of several hundred space vehicles of wildly varying kind gathered around New High Charity, formerly the civilian worldship Favorable Winds. It is led by the Unggoy Archdeacon Huhnub the Blessed, who purchased the Favorable Winds some time into the Great Schism and has since used it as both the group's makeshift capital as well as a cargo transport and trading vessel.

Despite the Empyrean Dominion's lofty religious trappings and the seemingly genuine vision of their founder and his immediate followers, most members of the group are little more than raiders and assorted low-lifes, and many post-Covenant governments actually pay them to keep them away from their system where they lack the ability (or willingness) to deter their approach with threats of force. So far, the Empyrean Dominion has kept to the Covenant Sphere, and ONI's intel as of the 2560s suggested their trajectory would take them on a curve through the Siakar Expanse inward along the spinward quarter and back toward the Sunlit Worlds. Were they to attempt crossing into the Human Sphere, they would become a major nuisance if not necessarily an outright threat.