Haldean Fissure

From Halo: Daybreak

The Haldean Fissure is an slipspace anomaly located in the Lumoria and Tangaroa Sectors in the Sagittarius-Cygnus Quadrant.

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

The Haldean Fissure shares a number of qualities with other slipspace anomalies found throughout the Local Bubble, including slow transit times and navigational difficulties. Starships traveling through the region report that there is a substantial, sometimes dangerous drift between their reported position and their actual position, due to randomly-shifting currents. These currents are able to sweep away slipspace buoys used for navigation, so even those that could be found may be lightyears away from their initial position - something which stopped buoy-laying companies from operating in the Fissure.

One of the most peculiar properties of the Haldean Fissure is its interior veil. While starlight from behind and around the anomaly is only slightly refracted as it passes through, those contained within are completely obscured from prying eyes. It is not completely obscured, as there are a number of holes in the shroud that allow glimpses of its interior to outsiders. This was one of the first clues that revealed the Fissure's existence to astronomers, as they noticed stars appeared and disappeared at various intervals. Charting missions have been badly affected by this for two reasons. Firstly, it is not known where the veil begins and ends, as it can deviate significantly from where the slipspace anomalies begin. Secondly, when passing through this, a starship suffers from total sensor and communication blackouts, with many survey ships disappearing not long after passing through it.

There are also reports of 'ghost ships' that have been sighted within the Fissure. A small handful of captains swear that they have seen ships passing over their bows, with no sensor readings being recorded. UNSC officers suspect these are pirate or rebel ships that have taken refuge within the Fissure and the nearby Torkel Horn dark nebula. In the post-war era, these reports have only increased.

Origin[edit | edit source]

It is not known what originally created the Haldean Fissure, although modern scientists agree that it is an artificial construct. Many believe that it was established by the Forerunners in their long war against the Flood, where Forerunner fleets would have used it as a staging area before they are sent out into burns. This would lend more credibility to the ghost ships, which could be generated through holograms. However, a small number of archaeologists have been arguing that the Fissure actually predated the Forerunners; as of yet, no Forerunner artifacts have so far been discovered within the anomaly.

History[edit | edit source]

Known locations[edit | edit source]