Human colonies

From Halo: Daybreak

(Redirected from Human Sphere)
This article is currently under construction. As the subject is under active development, information here may not yet be final.
A map of the Human Sphere as of 2565.

A tentative list of human colony worlds, habitats and colonized systems in Project: Daybreak. When these get fully codified, a definitive list can be created in a Human Sphere article.

Post-war development notes[edit | edit source]

A few things to keep in mind with reclamation projects and the expansion of existing colonies:

  • Most agri-worlds are gone, so efforts will be made to make colonies self-sufficient, e.g. by clearing farmland (c.f. Charybdis IX in The Cole Protocol).
  • The refugee crisis and overall displacement of populations should not be underestimated, and what makes things tricky is that most evacuation efforts weren't exactly under any central authority; UNSC ship may have protected evac convoys wherever they could, but there are hundreds of independent operators in the business, many of them impromptu in nature.
    • It's easier and more cost-effective to keep large numbers of people on ice than thaw them out, so this is what smart or well-organized operators will be doing until their cargo can be guaranteed reasonably humane conditions when awake. Unfortunately, most evac efforts were anything but well-organized, there weren't often even facilities to freeze all the evacuees, and ship captains (or the companies that run them) will be looking to get ride of their cargo as soon as possible, often just dumping them on existing colonies in the absence of better options. However, there were still "arkships" stacked full of almost nothing but cryotubes, built or converted by planetary governments, large companies or the UNSC in the later half of the war. While not all such ships made it, it is suspected that millions still remain frozen, waiting for the right time and place for relocation.
      • This also has very human and personal implications; it will displace people in not just space, but time as well. People will sleep away the years, even decades while their family, friends or relatives go about their lives elsewhere, usually thinking the sleepers dead; and when they wake, they will be separated by years or decades.

Glassed colonies[edit | edit source]

Colonies that are beyond recovery, at least in the immediate future; restoration would take centuries of work with terraforming technology beyond humanity's current capabilities. As in canon, some may still become hotspots to silicate mining.

Canon immigrants[edit | edit source]

Pre-2010[edit | edit source]

  • Anvar Sector
    • Far Isle - Destroyed with overwhelming nuclear bombardment in 2490. Located in the Lysander System, Anvar Sector, Sector 4.
  • Artemis Sector
    • Hellas - one of two colonies, along with Fumirole, where rebel forces were known to use rumbledrugs in an attempt to counter the SPARTAN-IIs. Connected via the Draco-Auriga Route to 26 Draconis, Sigma Draconis, and Alpha Aurigae. Located in the 19 Draconis System, Artemis Sector, Sector 4.
    • Levosia - Outer Colony and exporter of refined selenium and technetium, operations crucial for the building of slipspace drives. Historically rebellious, and site of the Callisto Incident in 2494. If the mining/refining (both?) operations remained intact during the war, the world would've remained a strategic asset. Most likely glassed in the later half of the war. Industrial center. Connected via the Via Serena to Draco and Eta Cassiopeiae, and the Draco-Auriga Route to 19 Draconis. Located in the 26 Draconis System, Artemis Sector, Sector 4.
  • Asteria Sector
    • Chi Rho - Connected via a slipway to Charybdis and Sigma Octanus, military and industrial center. Host to Vice Admiral Jean Mawikizi's last stand. Located in the Ectanus 45 System, Asteria Sector, Sector 2.
  • Athena Sector
    • Troy - Shares its system with Harmony, sacrificed to prevent the Covenant from discovering their encryption had been cracked, although some warning was afforded to sensitive ONI and UNSC assets. Located in the Hellespont System, Athena Sector, Sector 3.
    • Skopje - Glassed by the Covenant in 2547. Connected via sliplane to Groombridge 34, UV Ceti, 107 Piscium, and Upsilon Andromedae. Was an industrial center. Located in the Petrova System, Athena Sector, Sector 3.
  • Coeus Sector
    • New Harmony - one of the few places the UNSC won a naval battle, which led to the discovery of K7-49 shipyards. Industrial center. Connected via the Orion Ingress to Phi2 Orionis. Located in 13 Orionis, Coeus Sector, Sector 1.
  • Epicuros Sector
    • Capella - shares the system with the Origami Asteroid Field. Defended by Cole's fleet in 2526, where he secured a costly victory. Connected via the Draco-Auriga Route to 19 Draconis, Lambda Aurigae, and 111 Tauri. Located in the Alpha Aurigae System, Epicuros Sector, Sector 4.
    • Lemuria - Also known as Groombridge 1830, was the location where Cole's fleet recovered a Sangheili survivor in 2530 and, subsequently, led to the creation of the Cole Protocol. Located in the Groombridge 1830 System, Epicuros Sector, Sector 4.
    • Roost - resort world known for its fishing. Connected via the Draco-Auriga Route to Alpha Aurigae. Located in the Lambda Aurigae System, Epicuros Sector, Sector 4.
    • Victoria - home base for General Graves, one of the three generals of the URF. Connected via the Draco-Auriga Route to Alpha Aurigae. Located in the 111 Tauri System, Epicuros System, Sector 4.
  • Eridanus Sector
    • Eridanus II - industrial center, rural colony with strong Insurrectionist ties with a population of 510,000. Glassed in 2530. Industrial center. Connected via the Eridanus Spine to Acropolis, Kozani, and 51 Eridanus. Located in the Eridanus System (HD13808), Eridanus Sector, Sector 1.
      • Eridanus Secundus (this may need a better name, since I'm pretty sure it's never referred to as such in the narrative, and that Nylund meant Eridanus II by that chapter title) - Insurrectionist/independent asteroid habitat. Survived the attack on Eridanus II in 2530, but was presumably destroyed by the Covenant in 2552.
      • Station Jefferson - destroyed/disabled by Blue Team prior to 2530.
  • Gasparo Sector
    • Madrigal - a colony in the 23 Librae system glassed in 2528.
      • The Rubble - an asteroid settlement built by the survivors from Madrigal in the trailing trojans of the gas giant Hesiod in the 23 Librae system, with the assistance of ostensibly independent Kig-Yar traders. Destroyed in 2535.
  • Grenadi Sector
    • Asmara - one of the first eight colonies destroyed by the Covenant. Connected via a slipway to Redstow and Qusdar. Located in Aksum System, Grenadi Sector, Sector 2.
    • Bliss - one of the first Outer Colonies to be glassed in 2526. Home to a silicate mining operation after the war. Located in Polybius System, Grenadi Sector, Sector 2.
  • Harmon Sector
    • Charybdis IX - Corporate-run mining colony, glassed in 2535. Had some importance to the war effort in its sector (industrial center). Connected via a slipway to Ectanus 45, Shanti, Helos, and HD 77370. Located in the Charybdis System, Harmon Sector, Sector 2.
  • Heraklion Sector
    • Paris IV - conquered in a protracted siege. Possibly the site of a major defensive line in its region. Connected via sliplane to Alpha Lyrae. Located in the Paris System, Heraklion Sector, Sector 3.
  • Hubble Sector
    • New Constantinople - a fairly prominent population center at the often-ill-defined border between the Inner and Outer Colonies, first settled by Eastern Orthodox colonists. Later a waystation between the Inner Colonies and the Orion-side Outer Colonies. May also have been an industrial center. Site of a battle in early 2537, which saw participation by the Spartan-IIIs of Alpha Company. May or may not have been invaded more than once. Vice Admiral Whitcomb was also famed for his accomplishments in a battle there, but it was most likely glassed either in 2537 or a later date. Connected via the Eridanus Spine to Acropolis and Gliese 185. Located in the Bosporus System (58 Eridani), Hubble Sector, Sector 1.
  • Kepler Sector
    • Reach - Deemed virtually unrecoverable, the UNSC's crown jewel is now a mass grave. In the immediate post-war years, small communities of Covenant stragglers remain in its orbit and groundside facilities, and hundreds of salvagers pick apart the orbital debris field, including the husk of a refueling and refit platform left unfinished as the Covenant pushed on to Sol and eventually the Ark. Still, securing Reach's orbital space will be a priority project for the UNSC following the war, as the system continues to be a major slipstream node and Sol's gateway to the greater galaxy. Connected via the New Eridanus Route to Sol and 61 Ursae Majoris, the Via Serena to Tau Ceti, the Inner Loop to Delta Pavonis, the Eridanus Spine to Gliese 185, and slipways to Beta Hydri, Asimov, Anu, and Sigma Octanus. Located in the Epsilon Eridani System, Kelper Sector, Sector 1.
  • Lehto Sector
    • Verent - likely a colony founded right before the Human-Covenant War. Few of its population escaped the attack. Located in the 56 Aurigae System, Lehto Sector, Sector 4.
  • Marani Sector
    • Arcadia - initially invaded in 2531 and glassed in 2547, Arcadia now has little relevance. Salvagers, pirates and various peripheral elements of the Covenant meta-civilization have been active in the system as well as its immediate neighborhood after the war, and may use Arcadia or some of the other planets and planetoids in the system as hideouts. Connected on a slipway to 23 Librae. Moved to the Peloponnesus System, Marani Sector, Sector 2.
  • Merida Sector
    • Cote d'Azure - one of the first 8 colonies attacked by the Covenant, during the first four years of the conflict. Connected via a slipway to Glint. Located in the Bayard System, Merida Sector, Sector 2.
  • Minerva Sector
    • Coral - the fifth planet in its system, has a famously large Forerunner structure on its system (possibly the first the human public were aware of). Located in the Hesperia System (HD147513), Minerva Sector, Sector 3.
  • Mirata Sector
    • Eirene - Attacked some time prior to 2537. Connected via the Eridanus Spine to Bosporus and Eridanus. Located in the Acropolis System, Mirata Sector, Sector 1.
  • Mitanni Sector
    • Dwarka - Glassed soon after the Human-Covenant War began, home to some sort of Insurrectionist cell. Connected via the Eridanus Spine to Kozani and an unnamed Covenant system. Located in the 86 Gamma Eridani System, Mitanni Sector, Sector 1.
  • Newton Sector
    • Miridem - an Inner Colony glassed in 2544. Large cities included Antioch, Cyrene and Syracuse. Most of the initial settlers were Martian, though there was considerable immigration from across Sol in the colony's early decades. Widely-spoken languages included Neo-Esperanto and French, though there was notable variety among the major cities. The planet used to be something of a hotspot of telecommunications and cybersecurity technology in its neighborhood of space. Connected via slipways to Beta Virginis and Asimov. Located in the 61 Virginis System, Newton Sector, Sector 1.
  • Polona Sector
    • Biko - also known as Borodan to the Covenant, has four satellites including Soeba. Connected on a slipway to 16 Librae and Qusdar. Located in the Kolaqoa system, Polona Sector, Sector 2.
  • Rawadi Sector
    • Hat Yai - Known for its tropical qualities, glassed in 2528 or 2529. Connected via a slipway to Gamma Mensae, Glint and Ubazi. Located in the Dana System, Rawadi Sector, Sector 2.
  • Vevina Sector - Was the first sector hit by the Covenant.
    • Green Hills - mining colony with a huge BXR influence, one of the first colonies hit after Harvest. Located in Gibson System, Vevina Sector, Sector 2.
    • Harvest - first casualty of the Covenant, was subjected to intense fighting as the UNSC attempted to hold it. Connected on a slipway to 23 Librae. Has been moved from Epsilon Indi to BS Indi.
    • Second Base - one of first two colonies to be glassed after Harvest. Connected on the Pasana Slip to Pasana, Halliday's Bypass to Dinni, and the Covenant's Vashuak. Located in the Federley System (HD 86226), Vevina Sector, Sector 2, 139 lightyears from Sol.

Post-2010[edit | edit source]

  • Anderson Sector
    • Algolis - industrial centre, home to a weapons research facility. System is a binary star system. Located in the Algol System, Anderson Sector, Sector 4.
  • Argo Sector
    • Actium - an Inner Colony world glassed in 2545 after a several-week-long battle. Connected via sliplane to Petrova, Gliese 876, and 54 Piscium. Located in the 107 Piscum system, Argo Sector, Sector 4.
  • Artemis Sector
    • Alluvion - attacked by Thel 'Vadamee. Connected via sliplane to Eta Cassiopeiae, Iota Persei, Theta Persei, Alpha Aurigae, and Gliese 69. Located in the Bhaakto System (HR 511), Artemis Sector, Sector 4.
    • Iota - known for the bloody UNSC's final retreat from the colony. Located in the Iota Persei System, Artemis Sector, Sector 4.
  • Aureo Sector
    • Circinius IV - home to a military academy, military center. Located in the Circinius System (Beta Circini), Aureo Sector, Sector 2, 97LY from Sol.
  • Eforo Sector
    • Boundary - Connected via a slipway to Caspian and Charybdis. Located in the HD 77370 System, Eforo Sector, Sector 2.
  • Epicuros Sector
    • Greydowns - likely the name for the moon colonies that orbit the system's gas giant. It had a population of almost 77 million by the time it was attacked by Thel 'Vadamee. Located in the Theta Persei System, Epicuros Sector, Sector 4.
  • Grenadi Sector
    • Amasa - also known as Alay'oso to the Covenant, destroyed by Fleet Master Nizat 'Kvarosee. Located in the Elah System, Grenadi Sector, Sector 2.
  • Gemini Sector
    • Camber - Attacked by Thel 'Vadamee. Was an industrial center, with a population of 5.4 million. Located in the Hawking System (Gliese 250/HD 50281), Gemini Sector, Sector 1.
    • Minab - Attacked in 2550. Located in the Bilani System (HR5256), Gemini Sector, Sector 1.
    • Sargasso - Possibly a resort world, attacked in 2546. Located in the Chalawan System, Gemini Sector, Sector 1.
  • Hermes Sector
    • Kroedis II - Attacked by Thel 'Vadamee. Had a population of more than 15 million. Located in the Kroedis System, Hermes Sector, Sector 4.
  • Malabar Sector
    • Falaknuma - held only a small naval base, was the location where the Rubble's Habitat Exodus arrived. Connected via the Scorpius Cross to Scorpius, Epsilon Scorpii, Psi Serpentis, and Delta Pavonis. Located in the 18 Scorpii System, Malabar Sector, Sector 2.
  • Menelaus Sector
    • Endymion - a frontier world with comfortable middle-class settlements, although has an elite education facility known as Endymion Gifted. Connected via sliplane to Plovdiv and Alpha Lyrae. Located in the Aeolus System, Menelaus Sector, Sector 3.
    • Estuary - shared its system with the post war-colonised world Laguna. Attacked by Thel 'Vadamee. Connected via the Pegasus Traverse to 16 Cygni and 51 Pegasi, and the Nova Imbrium Route to Arethusa and Cygnus. Located in the Gliese 710 System, Menelaus Sector, Sector 3.
  • Polona
    • Etalan - also known as E'gini to the Covenant. Located in Igdras System, Polona Sector, Sector 2.
    • Mesra - Connected via a slipway to Aksum, Kolaqoa and Polybius. Located in the Qusdar System, Polona Sector, Sector 2.
  • Olympus Sector
    • Meridian - glassed beyond recovery, but remains home to a silicate mining operation and houses an orbital port that has become a confluence of newly-emerged slipspace lanes as well as a staging point for further expansion out into the Cygnus Verge. Orbits the gas giant Hestia V. Connected via the Pegasus Traverse to 16 Cygni, and the Mirabel Slip to Csere's Star. Located in the Hestia System, Olympus Sector, Sector 3.
  • Vevina Sector
    • Redstow VI - a base of operations for the Galodew Emancipation, a large Insurrectionist cell, glassed by 2526. Connected via a slipway to Aksum. Located in the Redstow System, Vevina Sector, Sector 2.

Fanon additions[edit | edit source]

  • Anvar Sector
    • Bhuj[1] - Located in the Epsilon Cephei System, Anvar Sector, Sector 4.
    • Dundee[1] - Located in the 11 Aquarii System, Anvar Sector, Sector 4.
  • Apollo Sector
    • Bolder and Calvary - colony-moons of the anomalous Jovian gas giant Tiamat, Bolder and Calvary were glassed beyond recovery, and the Gliese 898 system is now home only to pirates, salvagers and a small group of ex-Covenant fanatics seemingly interested in Tiamat. Shared its system with Tiamat. Located in the Gliese 898 System, Apollo Sector, Sector 4.
    • Monsoon[1] - Located in the 85 Pegasi System, Apollo Sector, Sector 4.
    • Pharos - a "hothouse world" that served as a UNSC mining and industrial colony as well as a materiel depot during the war (military center). While only the UNSC facilities and bunkers were turned to slag, with most of the planet's surface spared from glassing, the planet remains of little to no utility as most of the colonies beyond have been destroyed. Located in the Eta Cephei System, Apollo Sector, Sector 4.
  • Argo Sector
    • Baikonur[1] - Had a population under 100 million. Connected via sliplane to Groombridge 34. Located in the Soyuz System (Lalande 21185), Argo Sector, Sector 4.
    • Gingham[1] - shares its system with the gas giant Mariposa. Located in the Gliese 892 System, Argo Sector, Sector 4.
  • Asteria Sector
    • Hollow Point - One of the last Outer Colonies hit before the Inner Colonies were attacked. Located in the Alpha Corvi System, Asteria Sector, Sector 2.
    • Roswell - A relatively small Inner Colony with some fringe interest as to purported alien ruins there, debate persists as to whether said ruins are genuine or fabricated by the early settlers. Located in the Zeta Reticuli System, Asteria Sector, Sector 2.
  • Athena Sector
    • Vega - minor colony that shared its system with the Atlas Moons and the gas giant Atlas. Connected via a slipway to the 61 Cygni System, Paris, Chandrasekhar, and Aeolus. Located in the Alpha Lyrae System, Athena Sector, Sector 3.
  • Attican Sector
    • Anilius[1] - shares the system with the gas giant Viperdae. Connected via the Scorpius Cross to 18 Scorpii. Located in the Psi Serpentis System, Attican Sector, Sector 3.
    • Falkirk and Sgothein - two Scottish colonies of the Gaelic system, these worlds were notable for being Inner Colonies that were disillusioned from the UEG and UNSC due to the invasions of the Inner Colony Wars, which devastated their economy and industrial base. While Falkirk was terraformed, Sgothein only received basic atmospheric remixing due to its status as a mining world. Their populations have a strongly patriotic, slightly isolationist culture, with a particular hatred of interstellar corporations. Both colonies were badly glassed in mid-2551. Located in the Gaelic System (Beta Canum Venaticorum), Attican Sector, Sector 3.
  • Aureo Sector
    • Midvale - The prime breadbasket world for its entire sector, attacked during what would later be known as the 'Week of Slaughter.' Connected via a slipway to Salvatori and Glint. Located in the Atreus System, Aureo Sector, Sector 2.
    • Nuevo Cuzco[1] - Connected via a slipway to Bayard and Atreus. Located in the Glint System, Aureo Sector, Sector 2.
  • Camina Sector
    • Passage[1] - Connected via a slipway to Yaytsa, Kolaqoa, and Circinius. Located in the Athos System, Camina Sector, Sector 2.
  • Coeus Sector
    • August II[1] - home to Insurrectionists that occupy the nearby asteroid belt, which was attacked by the Covenant and led to the discovery of several nearby worlds. Located in the August System, Coeus Sector, Sector 1.
    • Fractus Asteroid Belt[1] - Located in the Icarius System, Coeus Sector, Sector 1.
  • Copernicus Sector
    • Strauss' World - Shared its system with the later Marathon Station. Connected via the Via Serena to Epislon Eridani and Eta Cassiopeiae. Located in the Tau Ceti System, Copernicus Sector, Sector 4.
  • Cronus Sector
    • Ammon - Industrial world located in the Alpha Centauri System, Cronus Sector, Sector 2.
  • Dhawan Sector
    • Bomogin and Samarkand - setting for the Hydra System Massacres. Connected via a slipway to Beta Hydri. Located in the Hydra System (297 Gamma Hya), Dhawan Sector, Sector 2, 58LY from Sol.
    • Kingston[1] - Located in the Eta Corvi System, Dhawan Sector, Sector 2.
  • Eforo Sector
    • Bohemia[1] - Connected via a slipway to HD 77370. Located in the Caspian System, Eforo Sector, Sector 2.
  • Eridanus Sector
    • Taras[1] - Connected via the Eridanus Spine to Eridanus. Located in the 51 Eridani System, Eridanus Sector, Sector 1.
  • Galian Sector
    • Demeter and Herschel - Industrial center and with Sahara. Located in the Leonis Minoris System (15 Leonis Minoris), Galian Sector, Sector 1.
  • Galari Sector
    • Siberia Prime and Siberia Secundus - Industrial worlds connected via a slipway to Beta Hydri, Athos, and Apell's Trace to 23 Librae. Located in the Yaytsa System (Beta Trianguli Australis), Galari Sector, Sector 2.
  • Gandhari Sector
    • Behemoth - Former Covenant outpost world destroyed by a UNSC counterattack. Located in the Sigma Ceta System, Gandhari Sector, Sector 4.
  • Gasparo Sector
    • New Tharsis - Named as such for its vast volcanic plateaus similar to Mars' Tharsis. Hab rating IV. Industrial center, connected to Apell's Trace to 23 Librae. Located in the 16 Librae System, Gasparo Sector, Sector 2.
  • Hadrian Sector
    • Blessing[1] - Connected via the Orion Ingress to Phi2 Orionis. Located in the Padavona System, Hadrian Sector, Sector 1.
    • Henkries[1] - Connected via the Orion Ingress to EC 4-2911. Located in Thebes Prime, Hadrian Sector, Sector 1.
    • Shenzen[1] - Connected via the Orion Ingress to 13 Orionis, EC 4-2911 and Padavona. Located in Phi2 Orionis, Hadrian Sector, Sector 1.
  • Lurone Sector
    • Campbell's Landing - located in a navigational hazard-zone known as the Scab, with all colonists living in a 'habitat hotspot' around a single resource-rich world. Had a strong Insurrectionist presence due to its remoteness. Connected via a slipway to Dana and Mandell. Located in the Gamma Mensae System, Lurone Sector, Sector 2.
    • Jagati[1] - Located in the Surya System, Lurone Sector, Sector 2.
  • Malabar Sector
    • Ample Pastures - Agricultural center. Connected via the Scorpius Cross to 18 Scorpii and Lambda Serpentis. Located in the Scorpius System (HD 147513), Malabar Sector, Sector 2.
    • Ningbo[1] - Located in the Gamma Pavonis System, Malabar Sector, Sector 2.
  • Merida Sector
  • Freiberg[1] - Connected via a slipway to Ubazi. Located in the Morgenstern System, Merida Sector, Sector 2.
  • Minerva Sector
    • New Holland[1] - Connected via sliplane to Petrova and Alpha Trianguli. Located in the Upsilon Andromedae System, Minerva Sector, Sector 3.
    • Parvati - a high-g Inner Colony world with most human habitation concentrated on a series of canyon systems and caverns due to the inhospitable weather conditions on the desert plains that covered most of the planet; a further terraforming and climate-control project was ongoing, but would still have taken over a century to take effect. Settlers hailed primarily from Earth's South and Southeast Asia, and have the stocky builds characteristic of high-g worlders. While only the human settlements were glassed in 2543, this destabilized what little artificial ecosystem Parvati had, making short-term resettlement unlikely beyond domed habitats. Located in the Chandrasekhar System (HR 9038), Minerva Sector, Sector 3.
  • Mitanni Sector
    • Tiberias[1] - Connected via the Eridanus Spine to Eridanus and 86 Gamma Eridani. Located in the Kozani System, Mitanni Sector, Sector 1.
  • Newton Sector
    • Roston - an industrial world that supplied the war effort in Sectors 2 and 1, before its glassing in the late 2530s. Connected via slipways to 61 Virginis. Located in Beta Virginis, Newton Sector, Sector 1.
  • Oceanus Sector
    • Nova Odessa[1] - Located in the 23 Ursae Majoris System, Oceanus Sector, Sector 1.
    • Rampart - Military center. Located in the Weinland System, Oceanus Sector, Sector 1.
  • Rawadi Sector
    • Cadence[1] - Connected via a slipway to Dana, Morgenstern and Shanti. Located in the Ubazi System, Rawadi Sector, Sector 2.
  • Rowena Sector
    • Helos Secundus - Military center. Connected via a slipway to Charybdis. Located in the Helos System, Rowena Sector, Sector 2.
    • Pumice[1] - Connected via a slipway to Gamma Mensae. Located in the Mandell System, Rowena Sector, Sector 2.
  • Unknown Sector

Reclaimable colonies[edit | edit source]

Colonies that were attacked by the Covenant, but for one reason or the other weren't fully glassed, or glassed at all; some had major population centers or industrial plants slagged, but may remain otherwise intact.

Canon immigrants[edit | edit source]

Pre-2010[edit | edit source]

  • Artemis Sector
    • Fumirole - invaded, but survived total glassing. Due to the system's location, the UNSC prioritized industrial reconstruction and bolstered its military presence post-war. Connected via sliplane to Epsilon Eridani, Draco, and 26 Draconis. Was already an industrial center, but become a military center after 2525. Located in the Sigma Draconis System, Artemis Sector, Sector 4.
  • Asteria Sector
    • Sigma Octanus IV - has a population under 10 million. Attacked in July 2552 in a rare UNSC victory, though the colony was temporarily evacuated. Connected via slipways to Epsilon Eridani, Ectanus 45, and Zeta Reticuli. Located in the Sigma Octanus System, Asteria Sector, Sector 2.
  • Athena Sector
    • Atlas Moons - a colony cluster centered on the moons and orbital facilities the gas giant Atlas, housing industry critical to the war effort. Most of the moons were named after the mythological Hesperides. The moons were the site of a prolonged siege in 2547-2548 in which Admiral Whitcomb participated. Shared their system with the lesser colony of Vega. The moons were largely abandoned during the siege, but the relatively intact status of many of the colonies and facilities had them marked for resettlement after the Human-Covenant War. Connected via a slipway to the 61 Cygni System, Paris, Chandrasekhar, and Aeolus. Still a military and industrial center. Located in the Alpha Lyrae System, Athena Sector, Sector 3.
      • Hesperia
      • Thetis
      • Asterope
      • Antheia
    • Harmony - shares its system with Troy, glassed to prevent the Covenant from discovering their codes had been cracked, though likely received early warning. Connected via sliplane to Groombridge 34. Located in the Hellespont system, Athen Sector, Sector 3.
  • Cronus Sector
    • Proxima - Has a population under 100 million. Located in the Alpha Centauri System, Cronus Sector, Sector 2.
  • Erinyes Sector
    • Cygnus II - shares its system with New Jerusalem. Connected via the Cygnus Passage to 61 Cygni, the Phoenix Stretch to Orgeluse. An agent of the fetcher Oliver Birch was stationed here after the war, suggesting it was recolonized. Located in the Cygnus System (16 Cygni), Erinyes Sector, Sector 3, 69LY from Earth.
    • New Jerusalem - invaded in mid-2552, but likely not fully glassed before the war's end. Being fairly close to Earth, it'll most likely be reclaimed. Connected via the Phoenix Stretch to Orgeluse, Cygnus Passage to 61 Cygni, the Nova Imbrium Route to Cygnud, and a slipway to 72 Herculis. Shared its system with Cygnus II. Located in the Cygnus System (16 Cygni), Erinyes Sector, Sector 3, 69LY from Earth.
  • Galari Sector
    • Beta Hydri VI - Inner Colony intact as of 2533. Likely not a major world, though would probably have a decently sizable population. Most likely attacked at some later point, but not necessarily unrecoverable. If it's recovered and relevant in the post-war era, it could have more interesting features/gimmicks than simply being another bland Earth-like world. Connected via a slipway to Epsilon Eridani, Hydra, and Yaytsa. Located in the Beta Hydri System, Galari Sector, Sector 2.
  • Heraklion Sector
    • Ariel - a barren world home to a research outpost; while invaded, it was seemingly never glassed, and may become more prominent as a settlement project in the post-war era. Has a population under 100 million. Connected via a slipway to Voy and Alcides. Located in the 72 Herculis System, Heraklion Sector, Sector 3.
  • Kepler Sector
    • Circumstance (Epsilon Eridani IV) - a waterworld with several seastead-cities and aquatic farms; founded as a lesser agri-world to feed Reach and Tribute, but later became quite prestigious as a center of law and culture. Also home to a notable cetacean transplantation and intelligence research project. Circumstance lies at the edge of Epsilon Eridani's habitable zone, and has only a fairly narrow temperate band around its equator, with the oceans freezing toward the poles. Has expanded considerably in the post-war era as a dumping ground for refugees from Reach and Tribute, as well as migrants and refugees from elsewhere in the human sphere, who now inhabit vast raft-cities built in and around the ruins of the world's seastead-arcologies, the influx of population too fast for the formal rebuilding and expansion of those seasteads to accommodate. Attacked and abandoned during the Fall of Reach, but quickly recolonised. Located in the Epsilon Eridani System, Kepler Sector, Sector 1.
    • Tribute (Epsilon Eridani III) - a mainly industrial colony and Epsilon Eridani's lesser population center, Tribute was spared the brunt of the Covenant invasion as the Covenant focused all their might on Reach. Still, most of the planet's cities and industries were glassed, though a number of smaller settlements survive, and the glassing was not widespread enough to destroy the planet's ecosystem and climate. Post-war, it has become Epsilon Eridani's most notable resettlement project, with hundreds of thousands of refugees flowing in from across the human sphere. Located in the Epsilon Eridani System, Kepler Sector, Sector 1.
  • Tychus Sector
    • Draco III - an ocean world known for its gold-tinted seas. The Covenant conducted an infamous massacre of its population by hunting Unggoy and Kig-Yar, which led to the SPARTAN-IIs wiping out the Covenant forces. Suffered moderate damage in subsequent glassing but was prioritized for recolonization, along with the establishment of a UNSC base due to the system's strategic location. Connected via sliplane to Sigma Draconis, Pi Ursae Minoris, and Eta Draconis. Became a military center after 2525. Located in the Draco System, Tychus Sector, Sector 4.

Post-2010[edit | edit source]

  • Anatoli Sector
    • Carrow - evacuated during the war, but was either never attacked or was bypassed by the Covenant due to the absence of colonists. Settled by a group of ex-Covenant in the immediate aftermath of the war. Has a population under 10 million. Connected via the Eridanus Spine to Chi Eridani. Located in Dagmar's Star, Anatoli Sector, Sector 1.

Fanon additions[edit | edit source]

  • Athena Sector
    • Sunburn - Has a population of 10 million by 2565. Connected via the Cygnus Passage to Cygnus and Sol, and a slipway to Alpha Lyrae. Still an industrial center. Located in the 61 Cygni System, Athena Sector, Sector 3.
  • Attican Sector
    • Ffyniannus - the sole reclaimable colony of the Gaelic system, Ffyniannus was a cooler, more temperate world that shared Falkirk's misgivings with the UEG. Although its sibling worlds were hit hard by the Covenant, Ffyniannus managed to evade their attention long enough for a large-scale evacuation to be completed. Located in the Gaelic System (Beta Canum Venaticorum), Attican Sector, Sector 3.
  • Heraklion Sector
    • Fjord - suffered a minor Covenant attack which destabilized the already struggling local government, precipitating a full CAA takeover in the post-war era, one that was welcomed by most of the locals after decades of incompetent administrations from the world's two opposing political factions. Fjord's home star has assumed some strategic importance as a waystation system in the post-war era. Has a population under 1 billion by 2565. Was already an industrial center, became a military center after 2525. Connected via the Felcian Way to Amber and 61 Cygni. Located in the Beta Comae Berenices System, Heraklion Sector, Sector 3.
  • Hubble Sector
    • Verne - a high-oxygen jungle-world mostly covered in an impenetrable tangle of plant life and hostile fauna, Verne was home to several dozen arcologies rising above the jungle canopy, most of which now lay in ruins. However, the ecosystem remains intact, and the planet is now home to numerous unsanctioned independent settlements within and above the canopy. Has a population under 10 million. Connected via the Eridanus Spine to Bosporus and Epsilon Eridani. Located in the Gliese 185 System, Hubble Sector, Sector 1.
  • Summa Sector
    • Long Shot - reclaimed after the HCW, became a military center. Connected via sliplane to 85 Pegasi, 11 Aquarii, Lysander, 98 Gamma Aquarii, and Bouvet. Located in the Upsilon Aquarii system, Summa Sector, Sector 4.
  • Thule Sector
    • Conquer - abandoned but never glassed. Located in the Valia System, Thule Sector, Sector 3.

Intact colonies[edit | edit source]

Colonies that did not suffer appreciable attacks, though many would've still felt the second-hand effects of the war.

Canon immigrants[edit | edit source]

Pre-2010[edit | edit source]

  • Asteria Sector
    • Mamore - intensely-rebellious colony, has a population under 100 million. Located in the 68 Eridani System, Eridanus Sector, Sector 1.
    • Minister - an obscure, rugged Inner Colony located far away from major trade centers, Minister was an underdeveloped world with few exports and high emigration rate. Its sole call-to-fame was that the UNSC repurposed it as an overcrowded refugee world during the Human-Covenant War. Has a population under 100 million. Located in the Niven System (HD 102365), Asteria Sector, Sector 2.
  • Attican Sector
    • Lenapi - has a population under 100 million. Connected via a slipway to Alcides and 14 Herculis. Located in the Beta Aquilae System, Attican Sector, Sector 3.
  • Copernicus Sector
    • Luyten - an old, densely-populated near-Earth Inner Colony. Home to the Spartan-II candidate Caleb-095. Has a population of under 1 billion. Located in the UV Ceti System, Copernicus Sector, Sector 4.
  • Erinyes Sector
    • Paradise Falls - Ironically named, as the world is reportedly hostile. Has a population under 10 million. Connected via the Felcian Way to Beta Comae Berenices. Located in the Amber System, Erinyes Sector, Sector 3.
  • Epicuros Sector
    • Origami Asteroid Field - shares its system with Capella. Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Connected via the Draco-Auriga Route to Lambda Auriga, 111 Tauri, and 19 Draconis. Located in the Alpha Aurigae System, Epicuros Sector, Sector 4.
  • Gemini Sector
    • Juneou - Has a population under 100 million. Connected via the later Eridanus Route to 61 Ursae Majoris. Located in the Theta Ursae Majoris System, Gemini System, Sector 1.
  • Hubble Sector
    • Gilgamesh - a colony originally established with lofty, ancient Mesopotamian-inspired trappings, Gilgamesh has since become notorious as both a tax haven and a pleasure world, and is a popular furlough destination among UNSC personnel. While the planet is represented in the UEG by a loose coalition government, it is ineffectual and corrupt; the true power lies at the hands of the corporate tycoons who run the planet's hotels, casinos, pleasure palaces, spas and shopping malls. Within the cities, which are effectively independent states, any rule of law is essentially enforced by private security firms; outside the major spaceports, crime and squalor reign, an effect exacerbated by the growth of endless slums and tent cities around the major urban centers as a result of the ongoing refugee crisis. During the last two decades, Gilgamesh's orbital communities and select isolated planetside locations have also become hotspots for unsanctioned cybernetics and biological research, secure from the prying eyes of authorities as long as they pay the right people. Has a population under 1 billion. Connected via a slipway to Asimov, Epsilon Eridani, and Gamma Leporis. Located in the Anu System (Rho Eridani), Hubble Sector, Sector 1.
  • Kepler Sector
    • Beta Gabriel - an Europa-like ice world with a subsurface ocean, Beta Gabriel has little permanent population to speak of, aside from marine laboratories and research outposts, and was thus spared the Covenant's attentions in the Epsilon Eridani invasion. Located in the Epsilon Eridani System, Kepler Sector, Sector 1.
  • Newton Sector
    • Onyx - secret training and research world for ONI, later discovered to be a Forerunner Shield World. Located in the Zeta Doradus System, Newton Sector, Sector 1.
  • Tethys Sector
    • Ballast - a fairly prominent Inner Colony. Has a population under 1 billion. Connected via the Inner Loop to Delta Pavonis. Located in the 70 Ophiuchi System, Tethys Sector, Sector 3.
    • Emerald Cove - a fairly notable Inner Colony famed for its tropical archipelagos, Emerald Cove was abandoned in 2542 due to a threat of Covenant invasion. The Covenant established an outpost on the world in the late 2540s, but the planet was never glassed; since the war, Emerald Cove has attracted several Covenant stragglers, but will be prioritized for reclamation and resettlement by the UNSC. Has a population under ten million. Connected via the Inner Loop to Guniibuu and Alcides. Located in the Gliese 884 System, Tethys Sector, Sector 3.
  • Yellowstone Sector
    • Far Gone Colony Platforms - one of the locations defended by SPARTAN-III Alpha Company. Had a population under 10 million by 2565. Located in the Gamma Doradus System, Yellowstone Sector, Sector 1.

Post-2010[edit | edit source]

  • Augeas Sector
    • Jastolo - shares its system with the gas giant Marmalade Skies, has a population of under 1 billion. Connected via the Mirabel Slip to Hestia and Estori. Located in the Csere's Star System, Augeas Sector, Sector 3.
  • Argo Sector
    • Phocis - shares its system with the abandoned Station Delphi. Connected via sliplane to Sol, Soyuz, Petrova, and Hellespont. Located in the Groombridge 34 system, Argo Sector, Sector 4.
  • Caelia Sector
    • Mindiria - Has a population under 10 million. Connected via the Via Casilina to Tanielu. Located in the Vidani System, Caelia Sector, Sector 3.
  • Clavain Sector
    • Nouveau Montreal - a small, fairly insignificant Outer Colony that had the fortune of being spared the war even as other worlds around it burned. Likely saved by its obscurity, though refugees from its neighborhood flowed in throughout the last decade of the war. Assumed newfound importance in the post-war era as the only world left standing in its sector, though its government remains ill-equipped to handle the influx of commerce and people through the system. To prevent its own economy from collapsing, the world has made deals with post-Covenant entities, with a Chikri-Merkaa Conflux-based spacer guild aiding in the reconstruction and expansion of its orbital docks. This will later make it a fairly popular base of operations for Outer Vigil ships operating in the Perseus-side Joint-Occupation Zone. Connected via the Pegasus Traverse to Draco and Rubicon. Located in the Avalon System (12 Persei), Clavain Sector, Sector 4.
  • Elmaro Sector
    • Binterall - Independent human colony. Has a population under 10 million. Connected via the Via Casilina to Sverdlovsk and Vidani. Located in the Tanielu System, Elmaro Sector, Sector 3.
    • Komoya and Talitsa - Orbiting the gas giant Vitalyevna, independent human colonies with a combined population of under 100 million by 2565. Connected via the Via Casilina to Elduros and Tanielu. Located in the Sverdlovsk System, Elmaro Sector, Sector 3.
  • Gemini Sector
    • Ruthersburg - a small mining world that is now molten thanks to Covenant bombardment. Undergoing a rapid expansion as it is discovered to be part of the newly-discovered Eridanus Route Slipway. Has a population of under 10 million. Connected via the Eridanus Route to Epsilon Eridani, Theta Ursae Majoris, and Bosporus. Located in the 61 Ursae Majoris System, Gemini Sector, Sector 1.
  • Geryon Sector
    • Nephis - Shares the system with Barugi. Connected via the Inner Loop to 14 Herculis. Located in the Tisiphone System, Geryon Sector, Sector 3.
  • Heraklion Sector
  • Neos Atlantis - the UNSC's primary naval yard for the immediate future following the loss of Reach and Mars' industry. Industrial and military center. Has a population under 100 million. Connected via the Inner Loop to 72 Herculis, Beta Aquilae, and Gliese 884. Located in the Alcides System (Zeta Herculis), Heraklion Sector, Sector 3.
  • Hoberman Sector
    • Losing Hand - initially consisted of a small, semi-unofficial fringe settlement with an independence-minded population. A world with a primarily oceanic environment with little in the way of large landmasses, it may have only a narrow habitable zone (extremes of temperature?). Re-contacted by a UNSC/Concord ship after the war. Saw some immigration by various refugee groups which settled on archipelagos across the planet, though never became a major focus for the Phoenix Initiative. Located in the Glasir System, Hoberman Sector, Sector 4.
  • Isbanola Sector
    • Aleria - Independent colony, has a population under 100 million. Connected via the Via Casilina to Sverdlovsk and Shaps. Located in the Elduros System, Isbanola Sector, Sector 3.
    • Gao - independent human colony, industrial center. Connected via the Mirabel Slip to Shaps and Orso. Located in the Cordoba System, Isbanola Sector, Sector 3.
    • Venezia - an Outer Colony that becomes perhaps the most notable melting pot of the human and ex-Covenant civilizations. The original settlers were likely an offshoot of the group that colonized the nearby Gao. While originally smaller than Gao, largely serving as a waystation and mining outpost, Venezia's population grew dramatically as a result of the migrations caused by the Covenant War. In the war's later years, a group of Covenant traders using the now largely defunct Tempest Crossing ingress route found their way to Venezia, followed soon after by other peripheral elements of the hegemony, including defectors, merchants, smugglers and pirates. For much of this time, Venezia remained cut off from the UNSC at large, only resuming contact in the post-war era. Has a population under 1 billion, industrial center. Connected via the Mirabel Slip to Cordoba and Estori, and the Navarro Spur to Marisova. Located in the Orso System, Isbanola Sector, Sector 3.
  • Kepler Sector
    • Andesia - A wealthy colony headed by a corporate council, has a population under 1 billion. Connected via a slipway to 61 Virginis and Epsilon Eridani. Located in the Asimov System (82 Eridani), Kepler Sector, Sector 1.
  • Prana Sector
    • Erebus VII - Connected via the Murano Route to Mu Arae. Located in the Erebus System, Prana Sector, Sector 2.
  • Tethys Sector
    • Asphodel - has a population under 100 million. Located in the Cyrus (Gliese 667) System, Tethys Sector, Sector 2.
    • Cascade - fairly populous Inner Colony. While first settled in the late 24th century, its terraforming to its current state took over a century. Cascade experiences something of an economic boom in the post-war era due to the growth of key industries there resulting from the loss of so many other industrial centers. Has a population under 1 billion. Connected via the Inner Loop to Delta Pavonis and Gliese 884, and the Murano Route to Mu Arae. Located in the Guniibuu System, Tethys Sector, Sector 2.

Fanon additions[edit | edit source]

  • Alandro
    • Glacier - Independent human colony. Located in the Yuna System, Alandro Sector, Sector 3.
  • Argo Sector
    • The Swarm - a habitat-conurbation orbiting the ice-ball η Cassiopeiae Secundus, better known as Josaphat's Folly, after its discoverer Josaphat Pirandello who spent his lifetime and fortune searching for alien ruins that weren't there. The Swarm itself was primarily established by Tanzanian and Kenyan conglomerates, though it has a prominent East Asian population, and some of its elements have since become fairly cosmopolitan. Founded as the headquarters for an asteroid-mining operation deeper in the system, the Swarm became a secondary waystation during the settlement of the Outer Colonies, and eventually gentrified into a high-technological hub. Having survived the war, the Swarm is now a gateway to the Via Serena trade route bound from Sol to the Pleiades Corridor, and has seen a fairly dramatic increase in population with transitory settlers and refugees, most of whom have been dumped by the local government on Josaphat's Folly in rapidly-erected dome-cities and habitats built in the old ice warrens dug by Pirandello's explorers. Located in the Eta Cassiopeiae System, Argo Sector, Sector 4.
  • Cronus Sector
    • Moebius - Primary colony world of the Delta Pavonis system and the largest surviving Inner Colony by population. Heavily urbanized, focused on specialized industries and formerly reliant on Outer Colony produce, though the crisis brought on by the Covenant War forced the populace to convert large swathes of the planet's wilderness into farmland or refugee settlements. Has struggled with overflow of refugees from the Outer Colonies of Supersector 2. Connected via the Core Trunk to Epsilon Indi, the Murano Route to Mu Arae, and now largely unused slipways to 18 Scorpii, Gamma Pavonis and Yaytsa. Have a combined population exceeding 1 billion by 2565. Located in the Delta Pavonis System, Cronus Sector, Sector 2.
    • Aphelion - A lesser colony world in the Delta Pavonis system. Connected via the Core Trunk to Epsilon Indi, the Murano Route to Mu Arae, and now largely unused slipways to 18 Scorpii, Gamma Pavonis and Yaytsa. Have a combined population exceeding 1 billion by 2565. Located in the Delta Pavonis System, Cronus Sector, Sector 2.
  • Dolinar System
    • Kashmir - Connected via the Scorpius Cross to the 18 Scorpii System. Has a population under 100 million. Located in the Epsilon Scorpii System, Dolinar Sector, Sector 2.
  • Galian Sector
    • Sahara - Industrial center, and with Herschel and Demeter has a combined population of under 10 million. Located in the Leonis Minoris System, Galian Sector, Sector 1, 60LY from Earth.
  • Geryon Sector
    • Spoketown[1] - Space habitat with a population under 10 million. Located in the Moorhaus System, Geryon Sector, Sector 3.
    • Terceira - Independent human colony with a population under 10 million. Connected via the Mirabel Slip to Csere's Star to Orso. Located in the Estori System, Geryon Sector, Sector 3.
  • Hermes Sector
    • Tortuga - an airless moon with a single major port city within an enclosed canyon, Tortuga has become an independent free trade port along the Cygnus side Outer Colonies since the war and the glassing of 16 Cygni's primary colony world, Masaq. Has a population of under 10 million by 2565. Connected via the Pegasus Travers. Located in the 16 Cygni System, Hermes Sector, Sector 3.
  • Inare Sector
    • Monte Rosso - Has a population under 10 million by 2565, is an independent human colony. Connected via the Navarro Spur to Messino and Orso. Located in the Marisova System, Inare Sector, Sector 3.
  • Isbanola Sector
    • Taram - Orbits the gas giant Pydoryn, independent human colony. Connected via the El Camino to Pinare, the Mirabel Slip to Cordoba, and the Via Casilina to Elduros. Located in the Shaps System, Isbanola Sector, Sector 3.
  • Malabar Sector
    • Port Eliza - an orbital asteroid-habitat with a population under 10 million. Orbits the gas giant Rocinate, connected via the Murano Route to Agathos, Guniibuu and Tau Bootis. Located in the Mu Arae System, Malabar Sector, Sector 2.
  • Mauro Sector
    • Gaer's World - Independent human colony, has a population under 10 million. Connected to the Pasana Slip to Brunel and Federley. Located in the Pasana System, Mauro Sector, Sector 2.
  • Mirata Sector
    • Norton's Crossway - Has a population under 100 million by 2565. Connected via the New Eridanus Route to 68 Eridani and Dagmar's Star. Located in Chi Eridani, Mirata Sector, Sector 1.
  • Tangoroa Sector
    • Furthest Point - Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Connected via sliplane to Upsilon Aquarii. Located in the Bouvet System (HD 211575), Tangoroa Sector, Sector 4.
  • Tethys Sector
    • Manus - Has a population under 10 million. Located in the Epsilon Indi System, Tethys Sector, Sector 2.
  • Thule Sector
    • Hebron[1] - Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Located in the 16 Cephei System, Thule Sector, Sector 3.
  • Trautmann Sector
    • Eldoret - Agricultural center, shares its system with the glassed planet Estuary. Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Connected via the Nova Imbrium Route to Arethusa, sliplane to Upsilon Aquarii. Located in the 98 Gamma Aquarii System, Trautmann Sector, Sector 4.
    • Nyoo Oktaaviya - Rocky, dense world with unusual atmospheric disturbances. Working idea was that they favoured mechs due to long tracked/wheeled vehicles being unable to easily function in their environment. Connected via sliplane to Harmachis and 16 Cephei. Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Located in the Iota Cephei System, Trautmann Sector, Sector 4.
  • Vesper Sector
    • Ford - Has a population under 100 million. Connected via a slipway to Beta Aquilae. Located in the 14 Herculi System, Vesper Sector, Sector 3.
    • Thalassa[1] - Ocean-world, has a population under 10 million by 2565. Located in the Voy System, Vesper Sector, Sector 3.

Abandoned/unoccupied colonies[edit | edit source]

Colonies that were abandoned but never glassed or recolonised by 2565. Also includes uninhabited worlds.

Pre-2010[edit | edit source]

  • Gandari Sector
    • Chi Ceti IV - Housed the Damascus Materials facility. Was attacked by the frigate Unrelenting in 2525, which saw the SPARTAN-IIs use their new Mjolnir suits to destroy it. Connected via sliplane to 39 Tauri, was a military and industrial center. Located in the Chi Ceti system, Gandari Sector, Sector 4.

Post-2010[edit | edit source]

  • Isabola Sector
    • Myer's Moon, Shaps III, and Taram - Taram orbits the gas giant Pydordyn. Shaps III has the remnants of a large Forerunner city. Connected via the Mirabel Slip to Cordoba, the El Camino to Pinare, and the Via Casilina to Elduros. Located in the Shaps System, Isabola Sector, Sector 3.

Fanon additions[edit | edit source]

  • Geryon Sector
    • Barugi - shares its system with Nephis. Connected via the Inner Loop to 14 Herculis. Located in the Tisiphone System, Geryon Sector, Sector 3.
    • Nereus X - located in the Nereus System, Geryon Sector, Sector 3.
  • Lehto Sector
    • Marrow - orbits the gas giant 50 Persei VI. Located in the 50 Persei System, Lehto Sector, Sector 4.

New colonies (post-2525)[edit | edit source]

Colonies set up during or after the war.

Canon immigrants[edit | edit source]

  • Amari Sector
    • Oban - used as a place to resettle refugees after the Human-Covenant War, used as a staging ground for UNSC Navy exercises. Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Located in the Eta Draconis System, Amari Sector, Sector 4.
  • Harmon Sector
    • Partition - undetected for centuries prior to the end of the Human-Covenant War despite being near the Eridani-Charybdis slipway. Crash site of the ammunition ship UNSC Diadochi. Located in the HD 65907 System, Harmon Sector, Sector 2.
  • Prana Sector
    • Eudemon - Connected via the Murano Route to the Mu Arae System. Located in the Agathos System, Prana Sector, Sector 2.

Fanon additions[edit | edit source]

Due to logistical realities, only a handful of new worlds are settled at first, with most initial efforts focused on integrating refugees to existing or reclaimed worlds. Not all of the new colonies were formally set up; there were numerous groups of refugees and dissidents that simply landed on a planet and called it home. Many such worlds are not even known to the UNSC.

  • Anodos Sector
    • Amethyst Skies - connected via the Pleiades Corridor to an unnamed system that leads to HD 49674. Located in the Gamma Tauri System, Anodos Sector, Sector 4.
  • Anvar Sector
    • Fulcrum Station - Connected via the Nova Imbrium Route to 96 Aquarii, 98 Gamma Aquarii, and Harmachis. Located in the Arethusa System, Anvar Sector, Sector 4.
  • Artemis Sector
    • Trappist-1 - No colonies have been chosen for it, but it becomes an industrial center. Connected via sliplane to Eta Cassiopeiae. Located in the Trappist-1 system, Artemis Sector, Sector 4.
  • Atlas Sector
    • New Reach - a world with a Reacher majority and the first new colony settled as part of the Phoenix Initiative, as well as the one with the most direct UNSC presence, making it something of a hub in the expanding Cygnus Verge. Military center, has a population under ten million. Connected via the Phoenix Stretch to 43 Cygni, Rho Euboea, Beukert, and Cygnus. Located in the Orgeluse System, Atlas Sector, Sector 3.
  • Copernicus Sector
    • Marathon Station - A spaceport set up by the survivors of the invasion of Tau Ceti in an old asteroid habitat over the glassed Strauss' World to accommodate ships traveling along the Via Serena. Connected via the Via Serena to Epsilon Eridani and Eta Cassiopeiae. Located in the Tau Ceti System, Copernicus Sector, Sector 4.
  • Hannaford Sector
    • New Vietnam - an asteroid originally mined out by the Covenant during the war and since settled largely by refugees from Sector 4. Has a population under 10,000 by 2565. Connected via the Pegasus Traverse to Rubicon, and the Pleiades Corridor to an unnamed system that leads to Gamma Tauri. Located in the HD 49674 System, Hannaford Sector, Sector 4.
  • Ignale Sector
    • Salient - a minor port on the moon of the gas giant Dimidium; shares its system with the destroyed Covenant refinery world of Pegasi Delta, the latter which was the final operation for SPARTAN-III Beta Company. Connected via the Pegasus Traverse to Draco and Gliese 710. Located in the 51 Pegasis System, Ignale Sector, Sector 4.
  • Leggat Sector
    • Cusp[1] - Has a population under 10,000 by 2565. Shared its system with the glassed colony Typhon. Connected via the Pegasus Traverse to Avalon and HD 49674. Located in the Rubicon System, Leggat Sector, Sector 4.
    • Scrimshaw - A cold desert world with a striking appearance resembling patterned ivory; home to a minor colony. Located in the Alamer System, Leggat Sector, Sector 4.
  • Lumoria Sector
    • Argus V - Original plans was to use it as the new training grounds for SPARTAN-III Delta Company. Connected via sliplane to Beukert. Located in the Argus system, Lumoria Sector, Sector 3, dangerously close to the Haldora Fissure.
  • Menelaus Sector
    • Laguna[1] - shares its system with the glassed colony Estuary. Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Connected via the Pegasus Traverse to 16 Cygni and 51 Pegasi, the Nova Imbrium Route to Arethusa, and sliplanes to Cygnus, Gliese 898, Iota Cephei, and Lambda Euboea. Located in the Harmachis system, Menelaus Sector, Sector 3.
  • Mnemosyne Sector
    • Shambala - a colonization project mainly outsourced to contractor corporations, Shambala only has a token UNSC presence. Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Connected via sliplane to Orgeluse and Epsilon Lyrae. Located in the Rho Euboea System, Mnemosyne Sector, Sector 3.
    • Sigil - named as such for the enormous yet seemingly inert structure on its surface, Sigil was originally charted by Covenant explorers and is settled on the condition that Concord scientists are able to study the artifact under joint control with the UEG. Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Connected via the Phoenix Stretch to Orgeluse and Rho Cygni. Located in the 43 Cygni System, Mnemosyne Sector, Sector 3.
  • Norwind Sector
    • Sandtrap[1] - Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Connected via the Murano Route to Mu Arae. Located in the Tau Bootis System, Norwind Sector, Sector 3.
  • Rigale Sector
    • Diluvial - Independent human colony established after 2525. Connected via the El Camino to Lawder's Star. Located in the Ponsi System, Rigale Sector, Sector 3.
    • Medina - Independent human colony established after 2525. Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Connected via the El Camino to Salvacion and Lawder's Star. Locatted in the Solis System, Rigale Sector, Sector 3.
    • Primavera - Independent human colony established after 2525. Has a population under 10 million by 2565. Connected via the El Camino to Solis. Located in the Salvacion System, Rigale Sector, Sector 3.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 These colonies are little more than a name and a location at this time. Contributors may expand on these.