Mako-class light corvette

From Halo: Daybreak

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Mako-class light corvette
Production information


Reyes-McLees Corporation


  • Anti-fighter support
  • Planetary/system control
  • Escort
  • Interdiction
  • Patrol

Class after:

Gladius-class heavy corvette

Hull classification symbol:


Technical specifications




150 meters (492 ft)


46 meters (150 ft)


51 meters (167 ft)


21,150 metric tons

Power plant:

  • 1 Hanley-Messer's Mark II fusion reactors (Pre-2525 refit)
  • 2 Red Dwarf Series-IX fusion reactors (Post-2525 refit)


Slipspace drive:

0KB Karman 13A SFTE (Series-III CODEN)

Slipspace speed:

0.75 lightyears/day




15-30 centimeters of titanium-A1 battleplate





2525 refit

Embarked force:

Standard configuration

  • UNSC Marines (~26 men)
  • SKT-13 shuttlecraft or SKT-7 boarding craft (1)
  • Mark XI service drones (12)

Planetary support configuration

  • UNSC Marines (~26 men)
  • D82-EST Darters (2)
  • M12 Warthogs (3)
  • M274 Mongeese (6)


38 sailors


50 people

Chronological and affiliation

Building range:

2494-2502, 2525-2542

Service range:



"She's the absolute lowest you could go on a warship. Her reactor's always running low on fuel at the worst moments, she starts choking when we push her a little too hard, and that damn starboard coupling keeps breaking loose on us. But at the same time, I can't help but feel like she was a good ship. I can't quite put my finger on why..."
— Retired sailor Iseul Jo.

The Mako-class light corvette is a classification of light warships that were formerly utilized by the UNSC Navy and CMA. Manufactured by the Reyes-McLees Corporation, the Mako is a lightweight vessel that is marketed towards colonial defense fleets. A generalist vessel, the corvette is intended for all colonial defense and border-patrol operations, from buoy tending and import checks to deep-space rescue and pirate deterrence. While it was smallest ship of its day to be outfitted with a reliable slipspace drive and features an unusually-sturdy frame for its size, the Mako's modest weapon count ensures that these warships must be deployed in groups to take down threatening opponents.

First introduced in 2494 during the birthing years of the Insurrection, the Mako found success in government navies as the civil war expanded in scope. Deployed in groups of three or in support of a larger ship, the corvettes participated in major anti-piracy and counter-terrorism operations, with its capabilities leading to many UNSC crewmen enjoying their service aboard them. However, dozens if not hundreds of Makos were hijacked by rebel boarding parties, and their effectiveness was used to escalate the war. As they were extensively used by prominent organizations such as the rebels of Eridanus II, the Free Commonwealth of Falkirk and the Wealthian insurrectionists, they became far better known as a rebel ship. In response, the UNSC Navy phased out the Mako in favor of larger frigates, stationing them further away from conflict zones. Production slowed until finally its plaguing issues led to the UNSC scheduling the entire class' decommission by 2529.

Fortunately, the corvettes escaped this fate upon the discovery of the Covenant, which forced the UNSC to utilize every available ship in its war for survival. Pressed as a stop-gap solution against their swarms of strikecraft, the Mako exceeded all expectations by gunning down entire squadrons of SX-class Seraphs in moments. Surprised by the ability of such an old ship, a new modernized block was ordered by the UNSC optimized specifically for anti-fighter operations. They served in many battles of the Human-Covenant War, from Battle of Biko all the way up to the Battle for Earth. While serving faithfully in the war, they failed to make a difference, and production ceased after 2542 in favor of addition Stalwart-class light frigates instead. Only some stubborn independent shipyards would continue building the corvettes, and they found use in private fleets long after official support was cut.

Ships of the Line[edit | edit source]

Name Hull Classification Symbol Commissioned Destroyed Notes
UNSC Mako FS-427 October 17, 2501 July 8, 2509 Lead ship of the class, hijacked by Insurrectionists, destroyed in combat.