Marine Expeditionary Unit

From Halo: Daybreak

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A Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU, pronounced MEE-yoo), is the smallest formation of the UNSC Marine Corps Air-to-Ground Task Force in the Fleet Marine Force. A MEU is known to be an expeditionary reaction force that is capable of responding to combat missions and natural disasters. Each MEU holds a Command, Ground Combat, Aviation and, Logistics Combat Element that reports to a Marine Corps Colonel.

Mission[edit | edit source]

A Marine Expeditionary Unit has two sets of overarching missions they can respond to, military and humanitarian. Military missions include responding to a crisis in the nearby system, assisting local forces as a force multiplier, and conducting their missions with or without support. A MEU is unique due to its ability to respond to several tasks under the command of a Colonel. During MEU cycles, they will be designated a Special Operations Capable unit that can respond to threats for the Marine Corps. MEUs also focus on humanitarian operations that assist in responses to natural disasters, delivering essentials to humans and, assisting as a force multiplier to local emergency services during a crisis.

Elements[edit | edit source]

Command Element[edit | edit source]

The Command Element (CE) of the MEU focuses on commanding the entire unit with a staff of nearly 200 Marines and Naval Personnel. Composed of the commanding officer and his staff, the CE helps the other three elements with planning, executing operations, and coordinating missions with nearby commands. Many positions within CE include administration, intelligence, operations, logistics, communications legal affairs, and others that the CE calls upon for a deployment.

Ground Combat Element[edit | edit source]

The Ground Combat Element (GCE) is split into one major force known as the Battalion Team and a small element called the ODST Special Purpose Force. The Battalion Team consists of a Marine Corps conventional battalion assigned to the MEU to conduct both military and humanitarian operations. The Battalion Team also holds a number of vehicles to make itself self-sustainable in the event of not having support from the Navy. A standard Battalion Team has nearly 1,200 Marines and Naval personnel within to assist with conducting the two types of missions the MEU is prepared to conduct.

With the GCE, an ODST Special Purpose Force (ODST SPF) is assigned to conduct SOC missions on behalf of the MEU. Providing small platoons capable of performing direct action, special reconnaissance, and Vessel Board Search Seizure (VBSS), the ODST SPF is capable of performing some of the most elite missions for the MEU without having to depend on an ODST Special Operations Force unit. An ODST SPF rotates a number of platoons and squads through its MEUs to ensure that the commander has a force capable of responding to any threat at hand.

Aviation Combat Element[edit | edit source]

The Aviation Combat Element (ACE) provides air support, transportation, and support to the element deployed with a MEU. An ACE is a reinforced squadron consisting of light, medium, and heavy transport airborne vehicles, along with a detachment of space-capable and air-capable fighters to provide security and conduct aerial direct action missions. Other elements of the ACE include a Control Group, an HQ, Communications and, Support detachments to enable the ACE further wherever they deploy. An ACE detachment trains closely with the ODST SPF to assist with the insertion and extraction of the units required to respond.

Logistics Combat Element[edit | edit source]

The Logistics Combat Element (LCE) is considered the essential element due to its ability to keep a MEU supplied, sustained, and prepared for any mission. A MEU is assigned a Battalion, where the element can utilize several support elements from Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Marines to equipment maintenance for the GCE and ACE. LCE is also tasked with moving equipment throughout the deployment of a MEU to ensure each element has the necessary tools to conduct the right mission. Operations are sustained with long-life consumables, reclaimable equipment such as water and hydrogen fuel purifiers, and unarmed support vehicles. Notably, they have specialized support units from both the Marine Corps and Navy, making it one of the few elements with mixed branch personnel.

MEU Cycle[edit | edit source]

Interim Phase[edit | edit source]

Interim Phase, also called I Phase, is a MEU designation after they come off a deployment. During the I Phase, the MEU is designated as a SOC unit for one month and capable of responding to threats in their region. Following the end of the month, some elements return to their original assignments and get rotated out with the CE making decisions which units to replace. As the CE prepares for the work-up phase, the three elements are shaped into their designated positions and soon begin the training to deploy.

Work-Up Phase[edit | edit source]

W-Phase, formally known as the Work-Up Phase, consists of the training for the MEU. In the six months of W-Phase, the MEU conducts several combative and non-combative drills. Exercises are done through simulations and against Combat Training Units to prepare the MEU for real-time battles and situations for the units. Each Element trains with each other to build unit cohesion and assist each other in areas they struggle in. The ODST SPF trains with the elements to know who they are working with and what region they are being assigned to.

Deployment Phase[edit | edit source]

After W-Phase, the MEU begins the Deployment Phase, where it's assigned to a Naval Squadron to assist the FLEETCOM and CENTCOM commander with any missions as a self-sustained force. The MEU is considered forward-deployed and has the capability to respond to a number of missions as a Crisis Response Force (CRF) for the two combatant commands.

List of MEUs[edit | edit source]

Development Notes[edit | edit source]