Other Homeworld Theory

From Halo: Daybreak

The Other Homeworld Theory was a fringe conspiracy theory that became popular during the Human-Covenant War. People who supported it were known as 'Other Homeworlders.'

Description[edit | edit source]

The theory's conceit was that Earth was not the ancestral birthplace of humanity and for many of its fauna species, which had arrived in the distant past from a planet within or beyond the Outer Colonies. It was created as a means to undermine the Terra Firma, a style of ideological thinking that helped project Earth's influence over Human Space. Because of this, most of its supporters tend to be from the colonies.

Some pieces of evidence that were used to support the theory was the similarity of much of Earth's fauna to those discovered on human colonies, theorizing that the species had been seeded here by ancient humans before they settled on Earth; for example, penguins were said to have originated on Alluvion or Harvest. These animals were propagated by being cloned en masse. They also assume that the Covenant were an ancient enemy that forced them from their homeworld, as a way to explain their genocidal campaign against the species. Even the dinosaurs were discredited by the movement, believing them to be a hoax.

Known proponents[edit | edit source]

List of appearances[edit | edit source]