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From Halo: Daybreak

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Welcome to the Project: Daybreak Wiki! Project: Daybreak is a collaborative Halo semi-alternate universe fanon project encompassing background lore, fan art, cartography, and fan fiction. This wiki exists to record Daybreak's worldbuilding and serve as a resource for contributors. Please note that the wiki remains a work in progress, so pardon our dust!

The Daybreak Continuum is a canon expansion and continuation project with the principal goal of providing an ideal (as we see it) vision of the Halo universe in terms of internal consistency, sense of scale, and depth. On a thematic level, we also aim to bring in some of the sense of wonder and classic sci-fi atmosphere that is so intrinsically tied with Halo's genesis. To accomplish this, we've done some fairly extensive house-cleaning of the canon and story, and rethought some elements of Halo's story-world from the ground up while still retaining a fixed foundation around which we build Daybreak's mythos, in the form of the first five Halo games as well as the novels released up until 2009. However, the drawing board has essentially been cleared post-Halo 3. Some elements of the post-2009 Halo universe do appear, but the surrounding context has been redefined with the goal of creating an organic continuation on the ideas and storylines of the original games and novels, with new ideas built on top of that foundation. As well, there is an added emphasis on consequences and change across time. Much work has also been done to build up the background and history of the setting, particularly in regard to the Covenant, development which will feed into how the universe shapes itself going forward. To read more about Project Daybreak's mission and its differences to 343i canon, check out the Daybreak Reference Manual and the Canon Policy.

Project Daybreak can also be found on the forums. The project was initiated by Tacitus and Quirel, who continue to serve as its creative leads. There are various stories and snippets set in the Daybreak Continuum, beginning with Quirel's Not All Who Wander, a tale of a Kig-Yar crew caught amidst the opening shots of the Great Schism. Other stories can be found here.

While based on the Halo franchise created by Bungie, Microsoft and 343 Industries, Project Daybreak is in no way associated with or endorsed by those companies or their affiliates.

Note that this site is no longer being updated by the Project Daybreak team! The Project Daybreak wiki is now located here.

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