Reflex-class light cruiser

From Halo: Daybreak

Reflex-class light cruiser
Production information


Great White Shipworks


  • Rapid response
  • Heavy escort

Class before:

Mercury-class light cruiser

Class after:

London-class light cruiser

Technical specifications


1,094 metres (3,589 ft)


305 metres (1,001 ft)


7.13 million metric tons

Power plant:

Traxus Heavy Industries' Mark-38 Heavy deuterium fusion reactors (2)


  • Naoto Technologies' V2/H fusion drives (2)
  • Naoto Technologies' V2/M fusion drives (2)

Slipspace drive:

Spirit Propulsion Solutions' CHEETAH-II SFTE (Series-III CODEN)


1-1.2 metres of Titanium-A battleplate


  • Mark 14 Rapid Offboard Countermeasures and Decoy Launchers
  • VEIL communications jamming suite


  • Mark III light coil - 42E9R6/MAC (1)
  • M280 Ares missile silos (52)
  • M39C Ballista missile pods (24 pods of 8 missiles)
  • M31 Loki missile pods (8 pods of 3 missiles)
  • M491 Typhoon fusion rockets (3 missiles)
  • M800 Rampart 40mm point defence guns (20)


  • 950 sailors
  • 120 flight crew
Chronological and affiliation


  • CMA Navy (formerly)
  • UNSC Navy
  • Insurrectionists
"We thought we had it. It should have been at least a week before the Colonial Military could respond, and we had the local police right in our pocket. Then, eight hours after we launched our coup, the Colonial Navy's light cruisers were all over us. How are they able to move so quickly?"
— Anonymous Victorian Insurrectionist

The Atlantis-class light cruiser (hull classification symbol: CL) was a model of capital ship manufactured for the Colonial Military Administration. These warships were used as heavy rapid-reaction elements in their units, leading escorts in strike missions or rapidly establishing forward rendezvous points for more extensive counter-insurgency campaigns.