Reyes-McLees Corporation

From Halo: Daybreak

Reyes-McLees Corporation
RMC Logo.png

The logo of the Reyes-McLees shipbuilding division, as of 2539.

Organizational information


Publicly traded corporation



Deimos Special Projects Division


New Harmony, Mars, Human Sphere

Chronological and political information



Preceded by:

  • Saratoga Construction Services
  • Phoenix Industrial Technologies


Associated with:






The Reyes-McLees Corporation, abbreviated to RMC and previously known as the Reyes-McLees Shipyards Inc., is an interstellar manufacturing and construction company that rose to prominence during the Insurrection and later the Human-Covenant War. Based in the city of New Harmony on Mars, the company was founded in 2473 to take advantage of the obsolete construction platforms resting above the planet. Reyes-McLees is best known for the production of militarized spacecraft, for a time holding a monopoly on larger capital ships while their competitor SinoViet Heavy Machinery did the same for the smaller escorts. However, the corporation's main source of revenue is from on the sale and establishment of orbital facilities, and also has significant investments in the industrial equipment and maritime industries

After the successful merger of Saratoga Construction Services and Phoenix Industrial Technologies, the Reyes-McLees Corporation grew rapidly, buying up many of the derelict factories on Mars to prepare them for their interstellar expansion. They started as a manufacturing and infrastructure development company, which would lay the foundations for their entrance into the military shipbuilding industry. They released their first major product in 2483, although they only hit their first stride a decade later in 2494, with the launch of the incredibly-successful Mako-class light corvette. Earning a reputation for extremely durable vessels, RMC undertook a period of unprecedented growth. So quick was it that by 2525, the company became one of the "Four Kings" of military suppliers thanks to its near-monopoly on the heavy-tonnage starship market.

Unfortunately, RMC's ever-increasing revenue would be bulldozed upon the discovery of the Covenant, who in their genocidal fervor laid devastated the company. Despite accelerating the fabrication of new experimental starship classes aimed at turning the war, the company would take the heaviest losses and highest amount of debt sustained out of any of the Four Kings. It was one of the largest companies hit hard by the Shipbuilding Crisis of 2553, and only survived thanks to a bailout by the UEG. Over the next decade, it rebuilt itself back up to a sustainable level, though it never regained the heights it had achieved in the past.

History[edit | edit source]

The Rising Star[edit | edit source]

Post-Covenant War troubles[edit | edit source]

Organization[edit | edit source]

With a highly diverse profile, Reyes-McLees fills many orders and has many commitments to a number of high-profile customers and economic partners, both public and private ventures. This is reflected in the many branches and key departments - of which, there are five core focuses for the RMC: the Maritime Development Branch headquartered on Earth, the Spaceborne Development Branch based on Mars at the Reyes-McLees Towers, the Orbital Construction Wing also based on Mars; the other two branches, the Industrial Technology Branch and Mobile Services Branch are spread out across Human Space based on need and expense.

Maritime division[edit | edit source]

The least-funded and ill-recognized, the maritime branch of the Reyes-McLees Corporation is based primarily on Earth and had several offices and construction sites on other colonies before the Human-Covenant War, primarily Reach, however, with the mass-evaporation of Reach's waterways after being glassed from orbit, those facilities have suffered total losses. What is left of the Maritime Development Branch has been reconsolidated on Earth and the Branch's headquarters is based out of Sydney, Australia, strategically placed in the same place as the headquarters for the UNSC Navy.

Reyes-McLees is one of the few large corporate organizations still involved in the market for maritime exploitation involving the development of seafaring and seaborne craft - both for civilian and military purposes. As one of the last large companies working in the seaborne market, not including the many mom-and-pop shops that operate out of coastal cities on major colonies, RMC provides for all forms of maritime needs. While Reyes-McLees are better known for their massive cargo starships and multiple cruiser-sized warships in service with the UNSC Navy and several private security fleets, it isn't unusual to see large seafaring cargo ships and tankers slapped with the Reyes-McLees corporate logo on its aft and sides. The Reyes-McLees brand is so prolific that the UEG's Ministry of Commerce and Inner Territories Transportation Administration both employ craft constructed by the Reyes-McLees Maritime Development Branch brand. Multiple regional police departments also employ craft developed by the RMC. Most notably of all the organizations to employ seaborne products by Reyes-McLees is the UNSC Navy's UNSC Maritime Operations department, also known as the "UNSC Wet Fleet," the majority of the seaborne vessels employed by the Wet Fleet were built or contain key components developed by Reyes-McLees.

Board organization[edit | edit source]

While already well-organized with two major branches and numerous subsidiary companies, as an interstellar entity Reyes-McLees must split itself even further apart to cope with the unique challenges it faces. Without a means for remotely transmitting messages in an acceptable time frame from planet-to-planet, let alone to the various star systems that they operate in, the corporation found it necessary to place large numbers of employees into positions of authority. Not only this, but the sheer quantity of incoming queries, reports, and simple information made it impossible for the upper executives to properly sort through to determine what may be detrimental to the future of the company itself, let alone respond to them in time. Multiple bodies of authority would solve these issues, although the rising risk of corruption remained a constant issue. There are four levels of their hierarchy of authority, with the area of operation and number of employees growing further down you go. These are the Executive Board, Sectorial Board, and Interplanetary Administrations. Each group meets every ten months and work within a set budget to ensure they do not dramatically affect the corporation's economic stability.

The Executive Board is the highest office in the corporation and is typically represents the height of an employee's trust, influence and to a lesser extent their ability. Because of the incredible power at its disposal, each member of this rate has been with the company for years if not decades, and have undisputed command over entire branches and regions of space where they operate. This experience is necessary, as the Board of Directors weld the power to direct the entire organization's efforts towards a common goal. This ranges from setting up new contracts with powerful clients, managing the growth and decline of the corporation, and working on strategies to ensure their prosperity in hard times. The central board is headed by the CEO, who is capable of implementing new regulations and projects for the company to pursue and managing high-level employees without influence from the Board of Directors. This huge grasp of power makes the CEO the public face of the RMC, with their actions casting a huge effect on the public's opinion. They are advised by an odd mix of major shareholders, subsidiary chairmen and directors who manage various aspects of the corporation. Together, they hold the power to oppose the CEO's actions and oust them if necessary. The only other notable part of this rate is that this is where RMC's internal corruption commission is based. Indoctrinated to be loyal only to the organization itself, these investigators scour the inner levels of the company for any evidence of corruption and work outside of the normal chain-of-command to accomplish their tasks. They are capable of detaining nearly anyone they suspect of sabotage, and their word is law unless the Board of Directors disagrees with their decisions. There are limits on who they can touch, yet this does little to erode the fear they generate among the other employees.

Work culture[edit | edit source]

Design doctrine[edit | edit source]

Despite sharing some surface detailing with other military vessels employed by the UNSC, many of Reyes-McLees' products have unique characteristics which instantly separate them from the other manufacturers. The most prominent is their immense, monolithic hull design divided into terraced sections. Long and tall, RMC ships have a comparatively thin width, in contrast to older cruisers and carriers, which are often a lot wider than their height. In addition, the top and bottom are usually slightly angled inwards towards the ship's beam. This is done to reduce the frontal profile without sacrificing space and durability, as well as making them thin enough for nearly every shipyard to be able to service them. This, unfortunately, exposes more of their superstructure to the enemy when being broadsided. As their normal box-like superstructure restricts the firing arcs from its turrets, either through the hull itself or other weapons blocking their shot, holes, and platforms had to be added on to reduce the severity of this effect. Finally, all but their largest ships are organized into sections which can be built at different facilities before being welded together at a final site, reducing the cost and time to construct their ships. An unintended side-effect of this method has, with some improvised modifications to make it suitable for translight travel, given the UNSC the ability to flee with intact parts, making it viable for refit stations to finish their construction in the middle of battle. All this has their warships being cheap and quick to build for their size, and have a reputation for durability and versatility.

Security[edit | edit source]

Given their vital role in the continuation of the UNSC's supremacy, Reyes-McLees has become an attractive target to rivals, corporate saboteurs, and Insurrectionists attempting to cripple the UEG's manufacturing power. To protect themselves, RMC has access to a number of parties it can call upon to prevent serious damage from being dealt with their assets. These range from lightly-armed guards to entire battle groups charged with their safety.

Their first line of defense lies in a well-equipped force of mercenaries contracted from private military contractors (PMC). As no PMC can provide the sheer manpower needs required by RMC, each facility is typically protected by a different party, each of which has been thoroughly screened by company employees to ensure they have are sufficient for their purposes. The contractors usually have training and experience comparable to what would be found in the UNSC; in fact, many mercenaries tend to be former marines. To help ensure a constant level of reliability and training, the PMCs are required to use weapons, armor and vehicles supplied by RMC while on patrol. Coupled with scheduled drills and continued observation for any traces of Insurrectionist sympathies, it is more than enough to protect their manufacturing sites from even the most well-equipped Insurrectionist force.

During the Human-Covenant War and to a lesser extent the Insurrection, Reyes-McLees facilities were often patrolled and protected by the local UNSC garrisons and later battle groups. With the rise in suicide bombings and the increasing need to prevent more production centers from falling to the Covenant, the UNSC found it necessary to establish a number of precautions to better protect them. All of RMC's shipyards were secured by a standard battle group, composed of at least one destroyer and three frigates. Larger facilities or those resting near the frontlines could be expected support in the form of multiple cruisers, carriers, and even supercarriers. On the ground, most of their factories and ship assembly yards are capable of receiving armies from orbiting transports and frigates, essentially becoming staging areas for the defenders. These were both a boon and a curse, as while they made them tough for the Covenant to take with conventional forces, it made them a priority target to orbital bombardment and long-ranged weapons. As a result, little of the company's property survived the initial skirmish with the alien's powerful fleets.

Products[edit | edit source]