Tennbau Quatch

From Halo: Daybreak

Tennbau Quatch
Biographical information
Physical information





Political and military information



  • Boatswain (formerly)
  • Shipmaster

Tennbau Quatch, nicknamed Chief, is the shipmaster of the Parhelia.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Quatch was born in the Dasim province of the Kig-Yar homeworld, Eayn. Little is known about his early life, except that his family was middle class and only distantly connected to spacefaring merchants.

Around 2537, Quatch enlisted into the 56th Dasim of Eayn Dragoons, where he served for five years and would eventually meet Samisha Taol. The 56 and its brother legions took part in increasingly brutal campaigns in the war against Humanity, culminating in the Battle of Fairfax II in 2542. Forced to establish a bridgehead under a contested airspace, and thrown into battle against entrenched Pioneer Battalions, the legion suffered critical losses and was spent as a fighting force. Quatch and Taol both survived the fight, and were rotated to the rear with the rest of the unit until it could be reconstituted. Quatch turned down a promotion and left the unit when his contract expired. Out of the war, both Quatch, Taol, and many other soldiers chartered a ship back to Eayn.

In spite of his lack of experience in spacefaring and few, if any, connections to the trade, Quatch managed to snag an apprenticeship in a sailor's guild. This would turn into a job in the Chansau Frond Trade Consortium, which stationed both him and Taol aboard the medium freighter Libation. Quatch established a good working relationship with the shipmaster, and was promoted to be the ship's boatswain and most junior officer by 2552.

Fall of High Charity[edit | edit source]

On the morning of November 3, while it was docked in the Fiefdom Port of Umtalla, the Libation and most of its crew were captured by Marsangtus' pack in an attack that left Quatch as the only surviving officer. Although he swore loyalty to the Chieftain, he betrayed that loyalty at the earliest opportunity to get his crew out of the line of fire. In the confusion of an unexpected Sangheili Banshee attack, Quatch led the survivors into the bowels of the Umtalla dockyards. Drawing on his military experience, he helped the civilian party evade Jiralhanae patrols long enough to reach the Harbormaster's office in the port.

While searching the Harbormaster's offices for information and supplies, Quatch accidentally made contact with the patriarch of the Umtalla clan, Kuotasim 'Umtalla. The two quickly struck a deal, with Quatch agreeing to evacuate the dead Harbormaster and any other member of the Umtalla clan he found in exchange for any one of the ships left in the harbor. Although he mistook Kuotasim's warnings of the Flood as a threat of more Brutes, Quatch managed to rescue dozens of deceased Umtalla and one living clanmember and escape High Charity aboard the Qwis-109* Parhelia.

Personality and traits[edit | edit source]

List of appearances[edit | edit source]