Contrite Estate
From Halo: Daybreak
The Contrite Estate are a major ideological entity that was formed in the immediate aftermath of the Human-Covenant War, as a result of the huge revelations discovered around the Great Schism. It is a strongly religious organization which preaches that the crimes they conducted against humanity brought overwhelming shame to the Sangheili as a species, and efforts must be done to immediately repay the damage they caused. They would do this by devoting their lives to assisting the UEG's recovery.
The Contrite Estate's philosophy proved popular among Sangheili servicemen who directly participated in the Covenant War, many of which would go on to serve in the Concord of Reconciliation's fleets deployed near the Human Sphere. It appealed to individuals who were spiritually and emotionally compromised by their actions, as it offered an alternative to suicide. Most of their members served as non-combat personnel, as many of its followers took up vows that forbid them from ever picking up a weapon again. Concord commanders generally regard the Estate as largely harmless, although some individuals have criticized their more pragmatic approach to the UEG's reparations.