From Halo: Daybreak
A frigate is a medium-tonnage warship classification used by human-dominated organisations, such as the UNSC Navy. It is represented by the hull classification symbol FF. Widely found in both patrol flotillas and fleet units, frigates are swift combat ships renowned for their versatility.
Characteristics[edit | edit source]
Frigates are defined as any sub-capital warship that are lighter and faster than destroyers, whose missions require more support-oriented duties. In technical terms, this usually manifests as a ship massing between 100,000 and 2 million metric tons, with a modest assortment of light and medium armaments that are effective against a wide range of targets. This includes a light MAC, a secondary battery that includes general-purpose missiles and naval coilguns, and an active point defence suite for countering fighters and missiles. Their overall dimensions may exceed several heavier warship groups; this is done to allow room for specialised features to be installed, although some designers have done it to improve their performance when operating in-atmosphere. To maintain their mobility, frigates are given between 40 to 100 centimetres of titanium-A battleplate, enough to offer satisfactory protection against most hazards they are likely to encounter. They are generally crewed by up to 300 individuals; in the UNSC, a captain of one of these ships usually has the rank of commander. Because many are designed to act in a patrol role in addition to their primary niches, many frigates come with an impressive sensor suite.
Frigates are often the single-most numerous classification of warship in a naval unit, thanks in part to their cheap construction and endurance, but also to the wide variety of roles they can fulfil. They are sufficiently-armed and armoured enough to back up far heavier vessels in ship-to-ship combat, warding off attack runs from smaller vessels and ganging up on larger ones. They are expected to act as scouts and anti-prowler vessels, although other auxiliary roles they can fulfil are minesweepers, troop carriers, and ground-support craft. They are normally the largest vessels found in planetary defence forces, where they act as both command ships, and pacify the very most hostile or furthest areas they are able to reach. While overspecialised examples do exist, such as those optimised for stealth and electronic warfare, most remain generalised platforms able to undertake most jobs needed in a fleet.
It is worth knowing that, in lieu of cruisers, many human nations haven chosen to build massed numbers of frigates and destroyers to meet their defence needs. This is mostly because of the significantly-relaxed requirements on manufacturing and maintenance, as well as the fact that a force of smaller ships can be much more easily deployed in more areas at once.