Kej Slaonis

From Halo: Daybreak

Kej Slaonis
Biographical information


The Faithless

Physical information





Political and military information






Kej Slaonis was a prominent engineer in the Covenant.

Biography[edit | edit source]

One of the greatest polymaths of all time, blessed with excellent health, and consumed with self-serving cynicism. This cynicism manifests in a very strange sort of atheism. You see, godhood would imply the existence of a higher power, and that higher power would imply the existence of principles that one is supposed to live one’s life by and possibly give one’s life for, and Slaonis lives only for Slaonis. For this reason, he is deeply reviled by many of the Covenant who know him, and he would be a complete outcast if he weren’t such an excellent engineer.

Slaonis has thrown his lot in with the Brutes because the Concord suspects that he was a knowing participant in the extermination of humanity, and has put a bounty out on his head. He will incredibly difficult to capture, as the first thing he seems to do when assigned to a new project is plan an escape route.