From Halo: Daybreak

Project JAVELIN was a supersoldier and superpilot program launched by the UNSC Aerospace Force during the Human-Covenant War.

Origins[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Augmentations[edit | edit source]

Although Project JAVELIN had its own bioaugmentation development program codenamed Project KHLORIS, this did not build on the SPARTAN-II Program that came before. Instead, it was a privatized effort that brought in experts from commercial companies, with the Vestol Corporation acting as the main contractor. While surgical alternations were still required, there was a larger focus on cybernetic and mechanical implants to meet the performance needs. In addition, rather than prioritize raw performance, it was felt that expanding the amount of people that can receive the augmentations was deemed more desirable, as well as make them easy to remove should the operative want to retire.

The one area where JAVELIN truly excels is in regards to its brain modifications, which uses a combination of mutagen chemicals and physical rewiring of the neurons. What this does is grant the subject an incredibly fast reaction time as they can process information much quicker, slow down their perception of time to an extent, and have a very keen eye for detail. Such delicate surgery required the construction of sophisticated medical machines piloted by AIs to have a chance at implementing these. Despite more safety measures being added, this was by far the riskiest procedure, with one in every six recipients either dying or left with severe brain injuries. It also could not be truly reversed, although a neurological delay module was introduced to slow down the messages in their brain, which gave retired JAVELINs some ability to function normally.

Only the commandos received the full offering of KHLORIS, with 70% of all volunteers emerging unscathed from the procedures. They were far superior to any human athlete or even ORION participant, and tests conducted estimated that a single JAVELIN was the equivalent of a squad of UNSC Army Troopers. With the exception of their cognitive abilities, they fell short of the standard established by the SPARTAN or the Titan Programs, at least as far as infantry operations went. Pilots received a much more modest scheme that concentrated on increasing their reflexes, attention to detail, and resistance to high-G maneuvers.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

The original plan called for a propriety model of powered assault armor to be developed for the JAVELIN commandos, with the helmet and other useful components being extracted for use with the superpilot force. Although the project ultimately fell through because of cost-overruns and an inability to meet the bar set by existing suits, what it did result in was the MARINER-class helmet and supplemental armor. This boasted impressive pilot performance buffs as it was based on the new Fighter-Pilot Control Interface (FPCI), as well as operators of MJOLNIR armor as its neural interface was based on the same technology. It also housed a relay that was compatible with all UNSC Aerospace Force fighter director networks, which allowed the commandos to mark targets for bombing, set up hazardous flight zones, and communicate with the Aerospace Force officers. Other minor benefits included enhanced protection over the existing Pilot helmet, and a larger air tank.

The MARINER equipment was usually bolted onto older suits of MJOLNIR armor, particularly those that were no longer considered useful by the SPARTAN-IIs. Not all of these initially belonged to any one generation, and each required substantial modification to bring them up to a common performance standard - though their active protection systems were too expensive to revise. In the 2550s, JAVELIN operators began receiving purpose-built models of the Watershed Division's MJOLNIR Mark IV Bulwark suits, with operators in dire need of replacements being prioritized for the upgrade.

All JAVELIN personnel were given access to the entire arsenal adopted by the Aerospace Force, though their preferences generally laid in compact assault weapons, as they did not want to haul anything heavy for extended periods of time. Pilots preferred M7 submachine guns because of their small size, while the commandos often opted for carbines chambered with a full-sized cartridge for better penetration. The MA2B carbine was particularly popular because its large caliber meant it was not as handicapped when using subsonic rounds. Marksmen were first equipped with the M392 DMR, but this weapon was eventually phased out of the Aerospace Force in favor of the BR55 battle rifle. Unusually, most operatives disliked the M6 magnum, and instead used smaller 9mm or 10mm pistols as their sidearms because of their higher rate-of-fire and larger magazines.

For vehicles, all JAVELIN pilots were granted access to the extremely-advanced YSS-940 Masamune, an experimental two-seater space superiority fighter. Heavily armed with rapid-fire 50mm autocannons and AFM-81 Hydra missiles, and protected with thick armor and energy shielding, it was more than a match for any fighter or interceptor used or known by the UNSC at the time of its introduction. It fulfilled a rather unique role - for the time - in the UNSC Aerospace Force, as it could use its micro slipspace drive to jump around the system, where it could jump between different engagements to delay attacks or strike at multiple targets. For this reason, it was supposed to operate as an insertion vehicle for JAVELIN commandos. There were three generations of Masamunes, with each newer model being faster and more lethal than the last to remain at the top of the UNSC's fighter food chain.